Tax Day Limericks!

Tax Day Limericks!!
Love ’em or hate ’em ~ here they are: Tax Day Limericks!
Here are neatly turned odes of small span,

Much concerned with our bodily plan,

And the intercorporeal

Highly sensorial

Love-life of woman and man.
There was a young lady of Chester

Who fell in love with a jester,

Her breath came out hotly

At the sight of his motley,

But the head of his wand most impressed her.
In the midst of an anthem of grace

The choirmaster slipped from his place,

To goose the soprano

In lingering manner,

And returned with a smile on his face.

Then there was that man of Cathay

Who said to a lady one day:

“I’ve got nothing in mind

Except your behind,

And that in a very big way!”
The difference between the two sexes

Is the same in both China and Texas,

Korea, Valbone,

Cairo, Crete and Athlone,

For the same genitalia connexas.
A knot hole he happened to see,

So he stuck his dink through it to pee.

Then he have a loud yell:

“Whoop! Damnation!! Hell!!!”

(On that side of the fence was a bee)

Hope you enjoyed the tax day levity ~ back to our regularly scheduled program tomorrow!

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