The hour just before

This is the hour just before the party ~ April is upon us once again. Has it been a whole year already?! It has been a crazy one for your poetry pimp, leaving me as certifiable as ever. For those of you that don’t know I was evicted by an evil landlord this past Autumn. In many ways, it truly was a blessing in disguise but at the time lead to some extremely frantic packing and moving. I had lived there for eleven years and needless to say there was a lot to be packed. Most of my things are still in boxes, housed in the homes of some amazing family and friends.

This of course means that I don’t have the easiest access to a lot of my source materials that were always on standby. But we are all here and together again, what could be more important than that?

It is April, and the poetry will find a way.

I’ll see you again on Friday my fellow fools.


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